Saturday, September 29, 2018

October 10 Our Annual Business Meeting, Brunch and Silent Auction

Trillium's annual business meeting, potluck brunch and silent auction was held on Wednesday, October 10.

The 2019 slate of officers was presented and members voted.  Our leadership team includes four officers and five standing committee chairs.  Here is a summary of roles within our club.

-  Officers (elected positions) - President, Vice President/Program Chair, Secretary, Treasurer 

- Standing Chairs: Membership, Publicity/Email, Sunshine, Rock Garden Plant Sale, all of which are not elected but appointed by the President.

The silent auction was held that included a wide variety of horticulture related items.  

Saturday, September 1, 2018

September 12: Seed Harvesting!

Our Program was a discussion.  The Topic: Seed Harvesting
Two of our members; Pat Murphy and Paula Hemer, facilitated the discussion and share with us their methods of collecting/saving seeds from their gardens.  A wide variety of annual and perennial plant examples were on display.  After the discussion and review of the handout, each member was able to choose their favorites and take seeds for next year!